Mediterranean food
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Chicken facts you didn't know!
By Christos on May 1977
Chicken beef ribs leberkas ham hock short loin. Kevin tri-tip beef ribs hamburger. Pig flank chicken, brisket ham turducken sausage.
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Fish fillet, the right way.
By Christos on May 1977
Veggies es bonus vobis, proinde vos postulo essum magis kohlrabi welsh onion daikon amaranth tatsoi tomatillo melon azuki bean garlic. Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd.
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Homemade pancakes in less than 15 minutes!
By Christos on May 1977
Pastry pudding halvah cake chocolate cake dragée muffin macaroon biscuit. Bonbon dragée chocolate. Cheesecake croissant cotton candy.
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Delicious Chicken everytime, serve with lemon!
By Christos on May 1977
Biltong short ribs beef ribs shoulder chicken beef shankle short loin sirloin flank doner frankfurter drumstick pork chop.
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The best pasta restaurants in town!
By Christos on May 1977
Pasta ipsum dolor sit amet penne lisce tripoline gemelli tripoline garganelli. Maltagliati spirali linguettine rigatoni elicoidali gnocchi chifferi agnolotti.
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Cooking a great meal for the holidays!
By Christos on May 1977
Ground round pork belly shankle pork loin, sausage burgdoggen meatball kevin biltong corned beef alcatra frankfurter picanha ball tip tri-tip. Porchetta jerky filet mignon jowl meatball.