Mexican Cuisine

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Meatloaf, Potatoes & Cheese.A Gourmet dish

By Christos in Mediterranean food on January 2017

Ground round pork belly shankle pork loin, sausage burgdoggen meatball kevin biltong corned beef alcatra frankfurter picanha ball tip tri-tip. Porchetta jerky filet mignon jowl meatball.

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A light but nutritious breakfast!

By Christos in Mediterranean food on January 2017

Porchetta pancetta jerky, pig turkey landjaeger bacon prosciutto ball tip doner. Kielbasa pork belly brisket sirloin shoulder t-bone alcatra boudin prosciutto bresaola cow andouille bacon.

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20 Homemade finger-foods!

By Christos in Mediterranean food on January 2017

Strip steak ham ground round turducken. Bresaola kevin swine pancetta prosciutto cupim. Porchetta cupim doner sirloin turducken tail ham hock bacon sausage corned beef kevin.

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Serving at home in a fancy way!

By Christos in Mediterranean food on January 2017

Rump salami prosciutto, filet mignon pork chop fatback ham hock turkey. Pork meatloaf fatback pork loin, shoulder andouille ham salami tongue doner landjaeger chuck turkey porchetta shankle.

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A Fast meal for a busy day!

By Christos in Mediterranean food on January 2017

Prosciutto short loin cow turducken, hamburger ham sausage chicken tenderloin shoulder landjaeger frankfurter capicola filet mignon tail..

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