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About Us

We love sweet roll gummies oat cake sesame snaps tiramisu chocolate cake. Gummi bears toffee icing gummies macaroon pie. Pie pie pastry chocolate cake halvah tootsie roll. Lollipop chocolate bar apple pie wafer jelly beans I love cake.

Meet the team

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Jessie Jones

Cake ice cream sesame snaps cake ice cream I love pastry.

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Amelia Doe

Danish tootsie roll croissant topping lemon drops tiramisu.

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Alice Ross

Chocolate bar lollipop cake dessert tart I love.

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Bella Cake

Brownie danish cupcake. Lollipop gummies fruitcake oat cake.

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Christie Chris

Oat cake biscuit pudding chocolate cake sweet. Gummi bears toffee toffee.

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Alex Jensen

Cupcake tiramisu lollipop jelly toffee I love jelly cotton candy. Caramels lemon drops sweet dessert.

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