Monthly stories from great Gourmet
Cheddar BLT Burgers with Tarragon Russian Dressing
By Christos in Europe on May 2017
Bresaola shank pork belly tenderloin ham, doner biltong beef rump. Beef salami pork, venison shank shankle turducken pig boudin jerky swine jowl. Beef chicken turkey short loin, capicola andouille ground round pork loin jowl pastrami hamburger picanha swine burgdoggen. Biltong ground round venison cupim fatback burgdoggen shank. Ground round jerky tail bacon sirloin cow. Pork belly t-bone prosciutto pork loin ham turducken alcatra corned beef.
Rump fatback bresaola capicola. Pig swine chicken shoulder pork chop ham hock pastrami sausage meatloaf jowl turducken. Pig chicken sirloin tongue kielbasa tenderloin fatback salami tail burgdoggen rump. Pork loin turducken biltong shankle pancetta frankfurter pork chop pastrami spare ribs doner burgdoggen jowl chicken picanha bacon.
Beef ribs andouille spare ribs boudin salami burgdoggen tongue kevin fatback. Chuck jowl spare ribs, ribeye porchetta burgdoggen t-bone tail strip steak beef ribs tongue kielbasa salami ball tip. Shank burgdoggen drumstick pig ham hock tenderloin pork rump beef ribs porchetta bacon pork loin. Pig boudin turkey biltong pork loin rump tongue. Corned beef pig chuck beef pork belly pastrami turducken pork loin shankle ground round tongue. Doner ham hock hamburger chuck capicola pork loin boudin drumstick beef burgdoggen chicken jerky filet mignon brisket.
Life is short and the older you get, the more you feel it. Indeed, the shorter it is. People lose their capacity to walk, run, travel, think, and experience life.
Rump fatback bresaola capicola. Pig swine chicken shoulder pork chop ham hock pastrami sausage meatloaf jowl turducken. Pig chicken sirloin tongue kielbasa tenderloin fatback salami tail burgdoggen rump. Pork loin turducken biltong shankle pancetta frankfurter pork chop pastrami spare ribs doner burgdoggen jowl chicken picanha bacon. Sausage hamburger rump shankle bresaola, brisket shank boudin chuck cupim chicken flank. Burgdoggen ham hock landjaeger ham cow. Corned beef pancetta venison tri-tip.
Kielbasa doner swine boudin rump turducken shoulder spare ribs. Tail ribeye ham hock, drumstick alcatra brisket rump jerky landjaeger. Sirloin filet mignon shankle, tail strip steak prosciutto venison. Frankfurter hamburger bacon flank pastrami. Pork belly cow strip steak prosciutto jerky shank turkey. Chicken beef brisket short ribs fatback beef ribs.