# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Hover rows
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Condensed table
# | First Name | Last Name | Username |
1 | Mark | Otto | @mdo |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | @fat |
3 | Larry | the Bird |
Contextual classes
# | Column heading | Column heading | Column heading |
1 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
2 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
3 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
4 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
5 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
6 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
7 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
8 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
9 | Column content | Column content | Column content |
Porto Elements
Porto comes with several elements options, it's easy to customize
and create the content of your website's pages.